Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Children Growth Milestones (Part 11)

To all reader. I'm sorry to be quite for long-long time and haven't done my article yet. I try my best to share many other info and tips for all of you. From today on, I try to update my website frequent as I can. Thank you for all readers.

Continue topic for Children Growth Milestones

18 Months


At this phase your baby is become a toddler. They will entered a world of energy, curiosity, independent and negativism. So that we can conclude that having a toddler bring new challenge to you as a parent.

As a toddler they can walk fast, can walk up stairs with one hand held and kick a ball more properly. Able to use a vocabulary of four to more than 10 words and may able to combine two words phrases. They can understands simple direction and can point to some body part correctly. They also can shows affection by kissing parent to show their love. On the other, they can imitates a crayon stroke on the paper. Feed themselves and drink by a cup and also used a spoon properly. Show their interest to read a book as well.

By this age, most children have received the following immunizations:

  • 3 doses of Hepatitis B vaccine
  • 4 doses of DTaP vaccine
  • 4 doses of HIB vaccine
  • 1 dose of the MMR vaccine
  • 1 dose of the Chickenpox vaccine
  • 4 doses of the Pneumococcal vaccine
  • 3 doses of the Inactivated Polio Vaccine

As a parent, you must be alert to your toddler health and bring them to the pediatrician on time.

Parenting Roles and Tips

The 18-month-old child gets around easier and will soon be running. It is easy to except too much of our toddler. He or she looks so different from the crawling baby of a few months ago, and many parents think their youngster is no longer a baby. Keep rules to a minimum. Long speeches of explanation are completely useless. "Because I said so!" should be enough. Be firm and consistent, but loving and understanding with discipline. Praise your toddler for his or her good behavior and accomplishments. Encourage your toddler to make choices whenever possible, but the choices should be limited to those you can live with ("red shirt or green shirt.") Never ask a toddler an open question ("Do you want to take a bath?") unless you are willing to accept the answer.

Use the two "I's" of discipline (ignore or isolate) rather than the two "S's" (shouting or spanking). Keep time-out to no more than two minutes per child's age, and be consistent. When disciplining, try to make a verbal separation between the child and his or her behavior ("I love you, but I do not like it when you touch the VCR." Pick-up your toddler, hold him or her, or remove her from dangerous situations. Reassure the toddler once the negative behavior has stopped. Provide alternatives. "No, you cannot play with the telephone, but you can play with these blocks."

Avoid power struggles with your toddler. No one wins! The toddler uses a powerful weapon against the parents: the temper tantrum! These occur when the toddler is angry, tired, frustrated, or does not get his or her way. Most of the time, what happens during the tantrum is fairly predictable. Occasionally a child this age my get so angry he or she will hold his or her breath and pass out. Not to worry - once they do, the body's reflexes take over and your child will start breathing again on his or her own. Again, handle temper tantrums with the two I's of discipline - ignore or isolate (time out!).

Reinforce self-care and self-expression. Praise what the child does for himself (putting his hand in a sleeve, putting meat on a fork, washing his hands, etc.) Parents should say "...and you did that all by yourself!" The 18-month old child is highly pleased by parental approval. Show affection in the family. Be a good role model by using seat belts, avoiding tobacco and showing respect for others. The toddler is a great imitator. Do not expect the toddler to share toys, wait for his or her food in a restaurant, or be patient while you try on clothes at the store or go food shopping.

Early toilet training does not mean your child is super smart. Pushing the toddler will only make him or her rebel and be in diapers even longer. Signs that a child might be ready are dry for periods of about two hours, knows the difference between wet and dry, can pull his or her pants up and down, wants to learn, and can give a signal when he or she is about to have a bowel movement. If you insist on toilet training when your child is not ready, a battle will develop ... and it is a battle you cannot win! Discuss toilet training with your child's pediatrician to get his or her views.

Remember that aggressive behaviors - hitting and biting - are common at this age. They are, of course, not acceptable behaviors. How parents respond to them determines if the behavior will continue. Do not discourage your child from using a security object - a stuffed animal, favorite blanket, etc. These are important for a toddler and the child will give it up when he or she is ready. (They usually do not take them to high school!) Despite your child's desire to become independent, you will find the 18-month-old will still cling to a parent. Read simple stories to the child regularly, especially at bedtime, to enrich his verbal expression and increase his interest in the spoken language and his listening skills.

Limit television viewing and do not use it as a substitute for interaction with the child. Watch children's programs with the child when possible. The principal caregiver should be encouraged to arrange time for himself/herself. Raising a toddler can often be demanding. Praise the child when they are behaving well, and always show affection

Two Years


Our children no longer a baby. They become more independent. They can drink n feed them self and ran away faster. On this age stage they become an active toddler and can follow instruction from us very well. They will assert independent at mealtime, bedtime and during attempts at toilet training. At this moment your children should be can achieve a few things such as:

  • Can Open the Door and Kicks a ball
  • Jump in the floor using both feet
  • Use the spoon and drink in a cup very well
  • Attract to join adult activities
  • Ask a simple question such 'What is this mom?'
  • Can talk mare than 50 vocabulary and make a simple sentence

Parenting Roles and Tips

  • Use picture books to enrich your child's vocabulary. Reading books to your child will help with language development.
  • Arrange times for safe running and exploring outdoors.
  • Playmates are important, so allow your child to experience playing with peers. This can be accomplished in a preschool, play group or just having another 2-year-olds over for a few hours. Do not expect sharing at this age.
  • Limit television viewing. Do not use the TV as a baby sitter or as a substitute for interaction with your child. Watch children's programs with the child when possible. Turn the TV off during meals.
  • Do not worry if your child becomes curious about body parts. This is normal at this age. It is best to use the correct terms for genitals.
  • Spend time teaching your child how to play. Encourage imaginative play and sharing of toys (but do not be surprised if the 2-year-old does not want to share his or her toys with anyone else).
  • The 2-year-old may adopt a security object (such as a blanket, favorite stuffed toy, etc.) that he or she keeps with him or her most of the time. This is normal and the youngster will give it up when he or she is ready.
  • Parents should continue to take some time for themselves. Show affection in the family.
  • Keep family outings with a 2-year-old short and simple. The child this age has a short attention span and lengthy activities will cause the child to become irritable and tired.
  • Allow any older siblings to have things he or she does not have to share with the 2-year-old.
  • Many parents are beginning to plan for another child around this time. If you are, discuss with your pediatrician the best way to discuss the expected baby and the changes that will occur in the family.

Children Growth Milestones (Part 1)

Children Development Milestone


Child development process is unique. Every children milestone process is different. For every developmental milestone, there is a normal range in which a child may reach that milestone. For example, walking may begin as early as 8 months or as late as 18 months and be considered normal. As a parent you are responsible to monitor their growing milestone to ensure your child can do what should be they do at their age. So that, one of the reasons for frequent well-child visits to the pediatrician in the early years is to assess your child's development. Below is example of the children growth milestone that shows what they can do on their age. However, it’s only the guideline for a parent, but NOT precise guidelines. As a parent, you must remember that every child is different growth stage in their life.

2 Month


Infant at this age starts to show their pleasure in their interactions with their parents. The baby smile will improve every time their parent tries to play and talk to them. The baby also can move their hand and feet and make noisy just like ohh or ahh. On the other hand, the baby also responds to voice, light, track the object with their eyes and has strong reflex movement.

Parenting Roles and Tips

Good Knowledge on parenting role is important for parent this baby age. As a parent you must keep continue to hold, cuddle, talk to, sing to and rock your baby as much as you can. Every interaction with your child stimulates brain development. Encourage your baby to "speak" by talking to him or her during dressing, bathing, feeding, playing, walking and driving. Stimulate your child with age- appropriate toys. Hang a rattle, mobile or some other bright object across the crib so that you’re infant can begin watching and reaching for it. Parents should continue to make sure they get adequate rest. On the other hand, go for a daily walk with the baby for fresh air.

Parent also must ensure baby have enough weight and get enough sleep. Infant feeding demands will continue to vary from day to day. Beside that, as a parent important for them to ensure their baby get their immunization on time and get a good health. Always refer to the pediatric if your baby have illness problem.

4 Month


4 months baby development proceeds in a head to foot direction. At this age the typical child can hold his or her head high and raise the body on his or her hands while lying on his or her stomach. They also start to learn cause and effect do something and will turn toward a sound and recognize their parent's voices. On the other hand, four-month-old infants babble, smile, laugh and squeal. Any object he or she holds goes directly into his or her mouth. Other achievements on their age are as below:

  • May sleep about six hours at night before waking (total sleep typically 14 to 17 hours)
  • Rolls over (usually stomach to back is first)
  • Sits with support
  • Lifts head up 90 degrees
  • Can follow a moving object for a 180-degree arc
  • Babbles and amuses self with new noises
  • Responds to all colors and shades
  • Explores objects with his mouth
  • Recognizes a bottle or breast
  • Communicates pain, fear, loneliness and discomfort through crying
  • Responds to a rattle or bell

Parenting Roles and Tips

The parent must keep continued to hold, cuddle, talk to, sing to and rock your baby as much as you can. It was important because every interaction stimulates brain development. Beside that, he or she needs an interested audience and a chance to use his or her laughing skills. The baby is exploring more and trying to make contact with his or her surroundings. The parent must think the suitable toys for their baby such as playpen to keep them entertain. On the other hand try to read some story or coloring book to them.

6 Months


Your baby now start to sound a simple words like dada..baba..and etc. the babay will begin to look for a toy dropped out of sight and no head lag again when they pulled to a sitting position. They begin to “tripod” (sits with one hand on the ground for support) and smiles, laughs, squeals and begin to imitate sounds. Six-month-old babies begin to rake at small objects but cannot pick them up yet because their finger coordination is not yet precise enough. They able to recognize each parent and may even begin to show some stranger anxiety and can make attempts to feed them. On the other hand, at this stage the baby will developed one or two teeth. Other ability are as below:

  • Keeps head level when pulled to sitting position
  • Makes some vowel-consonant sounds
  • Sits by self with minimal support
  • Opens mouth for spoon
  • Reaches for and grabs objects
  • Rolls over and back
  • Drinks from a cup with help
  • Can hold bottle
  • Copies some facial expressions
  • Makes two-syllable sounds

Parenting Roles and Tips

As a parent, try to encourage speech development by talking to your 6-month-old while dressing, bathing, feeding, playing, walking and driving. Besides that, start playing social games such as pat-a-cake, peek-a-boo, so-big, etc and set some limits for future discipline by using distraction, reducing stimulation and establishing routines. Then try to establish a bedtime routine and other habits to discourage night awakening. Ensure your baby has learned self-soothing techniques by providing your child with the same transitional object, such as a stuffed animal, "special" blanket or favorite toy. On the other hand, parent can encourage play with age-appropriate toys for babies like to bounce, swing, and reach for you, pick up and drop objects, and bang things together.

9 Month


When the baby turn to 9 months, he will probably learn to creep, crawl and otherwise get around the room. He or she may even pull up in the bed or on furniture and begin "cruising" around the room. Some of the babies learn to stand up by themselves. They can respond to their own name and understands a few words such as no-no, or bye-bye or yes. They start to begin developing certain concepts for example they will retrieve a toy after they watched you put it under blanket. They also able to clap their hand when we singing or clap together with them. Perhaps the most striking developmental achievement is the use of fingers and thumb to poke, pry, probe and pick up smaller and smaller objects. The 9-month-old has now learned to be "cool" or even a little afraid of certain strangers - even family members he or she does not see very often. The baby of this age also begins to take a dim view of being examined by their doctor.

Parenting Roles and Tips

When the baby was growing up, your roles as a parent become more adventure. Parents should always keep up constant chatter with their children and come out with new word everyday. Try to encourage them to play with age-appropriate toys such as foam rubber ball and also provide opportunities for save exploration. Then as a parent, begin to set limits by using verbal "no's," distraction, removing the object from the baby's sight or removing the baby from the object. However, never use spanking as a form of discipline, even a "little" tap on the hand. If you become angry with your baby, put the child in his or her crib or playpen for one or two minutes. This will allow you to calm down and allows your baby to realize he or she has done something wrong. Consistence of discipline is very important - adhering to the limits you set keeps your child safe.

12 Months


Your baby is 1 year old now and they on their way to enter the toddler stage of child development. On this stage they will start pulls to stand, able to crawls rapidly and seats self on floor and also can cruises on furniture or walks alone with an unsteady gait. The children also have ability to bangs two blocks together and play a social game such as clap hand, peek a boo and so on. Their vocabulary also improve and can say a clear word such as mama and papa n also able to drink in a cup. On the other hand they can feed by themselves and Points with a finger and displays a precise pincher grasp when picking up small objects. Some of the baby really love a song and will dance together when they listening music.

Parenting Roles and Tips

Parent should be more alert with their children behavior. They learn by exploration but need safe limits. It is important to teach the child the word "no." Saying "no" in a stern voice with good eye contact is almost always effective in this age group. Some parents have a fear of the word "no." They do not want their child to feel restricted, so they bend the other way and let their youngster run wild without any limits. A child needs guidance for his or her own protection and to learn that others have rights. "No" at the appropriate time is as important for the child's development as is nutrition and love. Important tips for parent, discipline should be consistent to be effective. To discipline a one year old, use distraction, loving restraint, removal of the object from the toddler or the toddler from the object. Discipline does not mean punishment or spanking. If you become angry with your baby, put your little one in his or her crib or playpen for one or two minutes of "time out." This will allow you to calm down and it also allows your baby to realize that he or she has done something wrong. During "time out" the child should not be able to see you or any other family member. Besides that, develop motor coordination by clapping and dancing to children's music and encourage your toddler to play alone as well as with playmates, siblings and parents. Other than that, despite your child's desire to become independent, you will find the 1- year-old often clinging to a parent more than before. In addition, stranger anxiety may cause some parent's not to be able to leave their child with grandparents or a baby sitter. It is important for parents to get out from time to time without their little one. You get a breather, and your son or daughter learns that sometimes you do go away, but you always come back.

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Afternoon all,

First of all thanks for those who have spent time for visit and reading my blog. Actually i have remove my blog from to this URL due to a few problem. One of that the website before is using company domain account. Hope all of you will enjoy n keep reading my blog n gain the info that I will share. Thank You.


